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This will help you getting started with the Box retriever. For detailed documentation of all BoxRetriever features and configurations head to the API reference.


The BoxRetriever class helps you get your unstructured content from Box in Langchain's Document format. You can do this by searching for files based on a full-text search or using Box AI to retrieve a Document containing the result of an AI query against files. This requires including a List[str] containing Box file ids, i.e. ["12345","67890"]


Box AI requires an Enterprise Plus license

Files without a text representation will be skipped.

Integration detailsโ€‹

1: Bring-your-own data (i.e., index and search a custom corpus of documents):

RetrieverSelf-hostCloud offeringPackage


In order to use the Box package, you will need a few things:

  • A Box account โ€” If you are not a current Box customer or want to test outside of your production Box instance, you can use a free developer account.
  • A Box app โ€” This is configured in the developer console, and for Box AI, must have the Manage AI scope enabled. Here you will also select your authentication method
  • The app must be enabled by the administrator. For free developer accounts, this is whomever signed up for the account.


For these examples, we will use token authentication. This can be used with any authentication method. Just get the token with whatever methodology. If you want to learn more about how to use other authentication types with langchain-box, visit the Box provider document.

import getpass
import os

box_developer_token = getpass.getpass("Enter your Box Developer Token: ")
Enter your Box Developer Token:  ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท

If you want to get automated tracing from individual queries, you can also set your LangSmith API key by uncommenting below:

# os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("Enter your LangSmith API key: ")
# os.environ["LANGSMITH_TRACING"] = "true"


This retriever lives in the langchain-box package:

%pip install -qU langchain-box


Now we can instantiate our retriever:

from langchain_box import BoxRetriever

retriever = BoxRetriever(box_developer_token=box_developer_token)
API Reference:BoxRetriever

Box AIโ€‹

from langchain_box import BoxRetriever

box_file_ids = ["1514555423624", "1514553902288"]

retriever = BoxRetriever(
box_developer_token=box_developer_token, box_file_ids=box_file_ids
API Reference:BoxRetriever


query = "victor"

[Document(metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'FIVE_FEET_AND_RISING_by_Peter_Sollett_pdf'}, page_content='\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 1/25\n\nFIVE FEET AND RISING\n\nby\n\nPeter Sollett\n\nFADE IN:\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - DAY \n\nA group of dark-skinned girls wearing cheerleading outfits \nalign themselves in formation on the sidewalk. They begin to \ndance. No music can be heard. The sound of the girls\' bodies \nis our soundtrack. We hear their strained breathing, palms \nand sneaker bottoms pounding while they hum and count softly \nto themselves in an effort to keep the rhythm.\n\nSLO-MO: We explore the bodies of the dancers; their bright \neyes and sweaty brows, their stomping feet and colliding \nhands (dark side and light side). The younger girls perform \nprovocative dance movements, the older girls repeat them.\n\nTheir bodies silhouette in the bright sunlight.\n\nCUT TO: TITLES\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - DAY \n\nAMANDA, a tall 14-year-old exits the front door of her \napartment budding with her headphones in one hand and a \nmagazine in the other. She sits down on her stoop, puts her \nheadphones on and presses "play". We can hear the sound of \nSalsa leaking out of the sides of her headphones. JENETTE, \nten years old with big black hair in rubber-band restraints, sits on \nthe sidewalk below Amanda drawing with a piece of chalk. Jenette \n\n        looks over her shoulder and sees Amanda reading her magazine Jenette \nclimbs the stairs and sits down beside her.\n\nThe camera pans to reveal AARON, an 18-year-old boy on the \nother side of the street, unloading some fireworks from the \ntrunk of a car. He\'s filling a paper bag with them, \ncarefully making sure not to reveal what he\'s doing to \nonlookers.\n\nAt the ear end of the block, DONNA, 14, and MICHELLE, 12, \nsit and watch Aaron at work.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 2/25\n\nMICHELLE \nHow does he look up close?\n\nDONNA \n(Amorously) \n\nUmm, he got dark brownish \neyes, he got a nice nose I \nlove his nose. I love his \nskin. I love his lips, he \ngot a great smile and he \ngot-\n\nMICHELLE \nA bad attitude.\n\nDONNA \nYeah, he got a bad \nattitude.\n\nMICHELLE \nYou said before, that he \ngot boxes?\n\nSLO-MO: The camera is very close to Aaron. Details of his \nbody in a shallow depth of field.\n\nDONNA \nYeah, he got boxes in his \nstomach. He\'s taller than \nme.\n\nMICHELLE \nHow old is he?\n\nDONNA \nI think he\'s 18 or 17.\n\nMICHELLE \nYou gonna talk to him?\n\nDONNA \nUm, yeah I think so.\n\nBack on Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nJENETTE \nYou still like him.\n\nAMANDA \n(With a sigh of negative attitude) \n\nNo.\n\nHECTOR, a mature-looking 13-year old is crossing the \nstreet. He enters frame with Amanda and Jenette. \n\nHECTOR \nYo, wuzzup. \n\nAmanda ignores him. \n\nJENETTE \nHi Hector\n\nHECTOR \n(To Amanda) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 3/25\n\nOh, you\'re not gonna say \nhello.\n\nAMANDA\'S POV: Donna approaches Aaron as he locks up the \ntrunk of the car. She hesitantly calls over to him. He \nacknowledges her with a lift of the chin. Making sure he \nkeeps his distance from her, he looks around to see if \nanyone is watching him. He tosses his head for her to \nfollow. He begins to walk away down the block. She follows.\n\nHector is looking at Amanda. He appears to have run out of \nthings to say. Amanda removes her headphones. Her music \nbecomes clearer, more audible.\n\nHECTOR \nYo, you gonna keep me \nhangin\' like dat?\n\nAMANDA \nHector, Yo try to rap to me every day, why don\'t you \ntake your three-quarters retarded ass outta here?\n\nHECTOR \nYo, you betta give me my \nrespects or I\'ll tell your \nlittle girl ova here what \nI heard about you and my \nboy.\n\nAmanda puts her headphones back on.\n\nHECTOR looks like he got a new girl anyway.\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - AFTERNOON \n\nVICTOR, a skinny 12-year-old with sloppy hair, is asleep in \nthe sun on his fire escape. There is sweat beaded up on his \nbody. His shirt is rolled up behind his head like a pillow. \nHis breath is heavy, his chest rises and falls. The camera \ntilts to reveal CARLOS, ten, rounding the corner on the \nstreet below. The camera tracks backwards as Carlos \napproaches. He is talking to himself.\n\nCARLOS \n(To himself) \n\nWhatcha gonna do when ya \nbitch is untrue?\n\nCarlos lifts his head up to look at the fire escapes.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Victor!\n\nThe camera pans and tilts up to the fire escapes. The \nbuildings float by. He arrives in front of Victor\'s \nbuilding and cups his hand around his mouth.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Victor!\n\nOn the fire escape, Victor\'s eyes pop open and the sun \nshines into them.\n\nVICTOR \n(Dazed) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 4/25\n\nWhat, wuzzup?\n\nVictor sits up and looks over the side of the fire escape.\n\nCARL0S \nCome down!\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t!\n\nCARLOS \nWhy?\n\nVICTOR \nI got punished, man.\n\nCARLOS \nFa what?\n\nVICTOR \nI won\'t let my motha cut \nmy hair.\n\nCARLOS \nWha\'?\n\nVICTOR \nShe fucks it all up!\n\nCARLOS \nForget it! C\'mon Let\'s go \nto the pool.\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t man, I\'m punished!\n\nCARL0S \nWho gives!\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t, I\'m gonna get \npunished more!\n\nCARLOS \nTrust me, I always get \ninto trouble, c\'mon!\n\nVictor sits down on the fire escape. Carlos pauses for a \nminute and turns his back on Victor.\n\nCARL0S \nC\'mon! The girls are \nwaiting for you!\n\nVictor hops back up.\n\nVICTOR \n(interested) \n\nThey are?\n\nCARLOS \nYeah! Tell me which one you would like. To be doin\' \nnothin on a fire escape or beat the pool with a bunch of \ngirls? Be straight up!\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 5/25\n\nVICTOR \nI\'ll be right down.\n\nVictor climbs down the fire escape and hops down to the \nstreet. he immediately grabs Carlos and starts pushing him \ndown the block to avoid being seen from above.\n\nEXT. THE CORNER OF 8TH STREET AND AVENUE D - CONTINUOUS \n\nThe boys safely round the corner onto Avenue D. Victor \nperks up and starts nudging Carlos.\n\nVICTOR \nSo what girls are over \nthere?\n\nCARLOS \nNatasha, Maria, Tina-\n\nVICTOR \nThese are the pretty girls \nyou told me to come down \nfor?\n\nVictor sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.\n\nCARLOS \nWhat\'s the difference, you \nnever do anything anyway\n\nVictor makes a disagreeing gesture. Carlos drags Victor \nDowntown.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat are you going that \nway for?\n\nCARLOS \nI\'m not goin\' to 10th \nStreet, people piss and \nshit in that pool,\n\nVICTOR \nWhere you goin\'?\n\nCARLOS \nPitt.\n\nVICTOR \nOh man, what we gotta \nleave ar\' own neighborhood \nfor?\n\nCARLOS \nC\'mon.\n\nVICTOR \nMan, if I go down you\'re \ngoin\' down with me.\n\nEXT. AVENUE D - CONTINUOUS \n\nMONTAGE: Victor and Carlos hang on each other as they walk down \n        Avenue D towards the Pitt Street Pool. They pass by Victor brother, \n        giving him an impromptu smack and then bang on a store window to wave \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 6/25\n\nhello to a friend.\n\nFrom Victor\'s POV we work our way through a crowd of people \nan cross 3rd Street. Victor looks back at the crowd with a \nwatchful eye. The camera tracks along in the street as the \nboys walk along the sidewalk. Victor looks up at a street \nsign. It reads, "Houston St." As the boys make their way \nacross the wide intersection, the heat is slightly visible \nas car exhaust fills the gridlocked lanes. Victor and \nCarlos walk calmly, with space between them, making their \nway towards the camera in a shallow depth of field as we \nfollow focus on them.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor and Carlos stand on line outside the pool gates. Police \nexamine the boys as they slowly inch their way into the park.\n\nFrom Victor\'s POV we see the expanse of the pool as he \nenters the park. We watch as he surveys the area.\n\nFrom a high angle we see Carlos nudge Victor to make his \nway onto the pool deck. They enter the crowd, proceeding \ncarefully, making sure not to bump anyone.\n\nAs they continue to walk, Victor\'s POV reveals the bodies \nof older boys and girls, rough water and mischievous kids.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nAmanda is sitting poolside with Jenette.\n\nAMANDA \nAnd that girl, over there? \nHoochie.\n\nJenette looks out across the pool trying to see who Amanda \nis talking about.\n\nAMANDA \nAnd him. Stay away from \nhim, he\'s only interested \nin that.\n\nAmanda points between Jenette\'s legs.\n\nAMANDA \nThat right there.\n\nCarlos steps in front of them, Amanda smacks his leg.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Amanda, wassup?\n\nThey kiss on the cheek.\n\nCARLOS \n(To Victor) \n\nAmanda is Eddie\'s cousin.\n\nVICTOR \nEddie from Compost?\n\nCARLOS \nNo, Baruch.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 7/25\n\nA girl swimming in the pool calls over to Carlos.\n\nGIRL 1 \nCarlos! Carlos, get your \nskinny ass over here!\n\nCARLOS \n(To Victor) \n\nStay right here, I\'ll be \nright back.\n\nCarlos walks off leaving Victor standing next to Amanda and \nJenette. Victor looks uncomfortable.\n\nAMANDA \nWho are you?\n\nVICTOR \nI\'m wit\' Carlos.\n\nAmanda points out across the pool.\n\nAMANDA \n(To Jenette) \n\nHim right there, That\'s \nwho I\'m talkin\' about. \n\n(to Victor) \nExcuse me, can you move, I \ncan\'t see.\n\nAmanda spots Aaron and Donna in the distance.\n\nAMANDA \nDo you have a name?\n\nVICTOR \nVictor.\n\nAMANDA \nWhat?\n\nVICTOR \nVictor.\n\nAmanda turns to Jenette and continues talking to her.\n\nVICTOR \nUmm, I\'m gonna go find \nCarlos.\n\nAs Victor turns to walk, the camera pans to follow him, \nrevealing Hector who is approaching Amanda. The camera then \npans back to Amanda. She sighs and turns her ahead away \nfrom him.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nIn the playground area at the Pitt Street Pool, Aaron is doing a\' \nimpression of Al Pacino. Darrell and Boy 1 look on.\n\nAARON \n(to Boy 1) \n\nYou wanna meet my little \nfriend? \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 8/25\n\nBoy 1 is laughing at Aaron. Donna and Michelle stand nearby \nwatching.\n\nAARON \nDon\'t fuck wit\' me! Don\'t \nfuck wit\' me.\n\n(pointing his finger)\nMy lawyer\'s so good he\'ll \nhave you workin in Alaska, \nso dress warn.\n\nDONNA \nAaron, how you doin\'?\n\nAARON \nFine.\n\nDONNA \nLook at me.\n\nAARON \nWhat?\n\nDONNA \nWhy you have an attitude \nfor?\n\nAARON \nNot now, I\'m busy\n\nDONNA \nGod, I just wanna speak to \nyou. I just wanna speak \nto you the way I feel \nabout you.\n\nAARON \nHurry up, you\'re wastin\' \nmy time, what the fuck.\n\nAaron turns back to his friends.\n\nDONNA \nPlease don\'t scream at me. \nI like you, but I don\'t \nlike the way your attitude \nis.\n\nAARON \nSo get the fuck outta \nhere.\n\nDarrell and Boy 1 approve. They wait for Donna\'s reply.\n\nDONNA \nI wanna go out with you, I \nwant to be part of your \nlife. I want you to treat \nme the way a girlfriend \nshould be treated.\n\nAARON \nThen don\'t go out with me.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 9/25\n\nDONNA \nFor once in your life have \nsome respect for me, \ndon\'t even curse at me or \nnothin\'.\n\nAARON \n(to Darrell) \n\nNow she\'s tellin\' me what \nthe fuck to do.\n\nDONNA \nGod, you drive me crazy. I \njust want you to know how \nI feel and you don\'t \nunderstand.\n\nAARON \nJust get the fuck outta \nhere.\n\nDonna stares at Aaron as he turns back to his friends. \nMichelle walks up to Donna and gently leads her away.\n\nAARON \nThat girl be trippin\'. \n\n(Back into his Pacino impression) \nOne time I let her kiss my \nrings and forever \nshe tries to repay me!\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - LATER \n\nVictor and Carlos are playing, trying to force each others\' heads \nunderwater. \nCarlos squirts water through his lips.\n\nVICTOR \nI gotta go take a piss.\n\nCARLOS \nIf we were at 10th Street \nPool you woulda done it \nright in the water, right?\n\nThe camera pans as Victor climbs out of the pool and onto a \nlong line. As he stands and waits, Amanda can be seen in \nthe background arguing with Hector.\n\nIn the water, Carlos makes a face at Victor. Victor makes \none back.\n\nVICTOR \n(Under his breath to Carlos) \n\nI\'m gonna beat you.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nHector and Amanda have been arguing. Jenette is sitting on the ground \nbeneath \nthem.\n\nHECTOR \nI know you likes me.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 10/25\n\nAMANDA \nI eave me alone!\n\nHECTOR \nWhy don\'t you share the \nwealth a little bit?\n\nHector grabs her wrist.\n\nAMANDA \nExcuse me! I gotta go to \nthe ladies\' room!\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - MOMENTS LATER \n\nAmanda gets on line behind Victor as he continues to antagonize \nCarlos in the \ndistance. Amanda recognizes Victor from behind, peeking \nover his shoulder at the side of his face.\n\nAMANDA \nShorty!\n\nVictor turns around to Amanda.\n\nAMANDA \nWussup?\n\nVICTOR \nWussup.\n\nHe turns back around.\n\nAMANDA \nYo shorty!\n\nVictor turns back around.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat?\n\nAmanda hears something over her shoulder and spins her head \naround.\n\nAMANDA \n(to Hector) \n\nLeave me alone! \n(To Victor) \n\nYo, I know another \nbathroom over there, c\'mon \nthis line\'s too long.\n\nAmanda takes Victor by the hand and walks towards Hector. \nShe bumps into him with Victor.\n\nAMANDA \nExcuse us.\n\nAmanda gives Hector a snotty grin.\n\nShe drags Victor away.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nIn a small corner, out of sight to the rest of the kids at the pool. \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 11/25\n\nAmanda \ncomplains to Victor. Victor looks confused.\n\nAMANDA \nThis fucking guy be \nfollowin\' me around, and \ntouchin\' me. Asshole!\n\nShe sighs and pulls on the bathroom door. It\'s locked. She \ngives it another try. It won\'t budge.\n\nAMANDA \nLook, just do me a favor. \nStand right here, okay?\n\nAmanda takes Victor\'s hand for balance and squats down, \npulling her bathing suit bottoms to the side. She urinates. \nVictor watches her, trying to play it cool. The camera \ntilts up from Amanda\'s face peeking up at Victor, to their \nhands straining for balance, to Victor\'s wandering eyes.\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - DAY \n\nClose-up of ERICA looking into the camera.\n\nERICA \nWe\'re "Fantasy" and This \nis Shai, Diamond-\n\nFRANCESCA \nAnd I\'m Melody.\n\nWe see the three girls standing in line on the sidewalk.\n\nERICA \nAnd we\'re gonna sing a \nsong called \'Tell me \nWhat.\' It was written by \nmyself, Diamond and Shai \nand the vocals were \narranged by us two.\n\nFrancesca rolls her eyes.\n\nERICA \nAlso, it was written May \n24th 1998 at 10:20 p.m. \nCheck it out.\n\nThe girls begin to sing.\n\nCarlos stands in front of the singers mocking them. The \ncamera pans to see Victor approaching Carlos.\n\nVICTOR \nWussup?\n\nCARL0S \nWussup, Victor.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, can I talk to you for \na minute?\n\nCarlos nods his head. Victor leans into Carlos, resting his \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 12/25\n\narm on Carlos\' shoulder.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, remember from the \npool, that girl?\n\nCARLOS \nWhich one?\n\nVICTOR \nYou know, Eddie\'s cousin.\n\nCARL0S \nEddie from Compost?\n\nVICTOR \nEddie from Baruch, the one \nwho was sittin\' wit\' dat \nlittle girl;\n\nCARLOS \nThe one with the phat ass?\n\nVICTOR \nNo, c\'mon, stop playin\'. \nThe girl that you kissed \nwhen we got there. Where s\nhe live at?\n\nCARL0S \nWhy don\'t you ask Eddie?\n\nVICTOR \nYo, Carlos-I\'m gonna punch \nyou.\n\nCARLOS \n(Mockingly) \n\nI\'m gonna punch you. What \nyou want with her anyway? \nYou in love with her?\n\nVICTOR \nShe lives near Eddie?\n\nCARLOS \nI think she lives down by \nPitt.\n\nVICTOR \nNear Natasha\'s? Or over by \nBoy\'s Club?\n\nCARLOS \nI think by Twenty-two.\n\nVICTOR \nFor real?\n\nCARLOS \nWhat you want with her \nanyway\'\n\nVictor starts walking off down the block.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 13/25\n\nCARLOS \nYo! What you goin\' for\n\nVICTOR\n\'Cause you know what, \nyou\'re not supposed to  \nknow but yesterday she \nlent me her pills for her \nMoms and if I don\'t give \n\'em to her she\'s gonna \ndie. You want her to die?\n\nCarlos shrugs Victor off as he walks away down the block.\n\nA moment passes.\n\nCARLOS \n(to himself)\n\nWhat do you do when your \nbitch is untrue? \nYou cut the hooker off and \nfind someone new. I need \nanother bitch another \nbitch in my life.\n\nEXT. LOWER EAST SIDE - CONTINUOUS \n\nMONTAGE: Victor\'s trip through the streets in search of Amanda\'s \nblock.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - LATER \n\nDonna and Michelle are standing in front of their building.\n\nMICHELLE \nOkay, merengue, you do \nlike this-\n\nMichelle places one hand on her side, the other in the air \nand begins to step.\n\nDONNA \nLike this?\n\nMICHELLE \nYeah, that\'s right, you \ngot it girl.\n\nMichelle grabs Donna, they embrace and dance.\n\nMICHELLE \nNow salsa, you know how to \ndance salsa?\n\nDONNA \nYeah.\n\nMICHELLE \nOkay, then dance. Show.\n\nDonna dances. Michelle looks over her shoulder. Aaron is \ndrinking a bottle of soda across the street.\n\nMICHELLE \nI don\'t think he\'s \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 14/25\n\nwatching.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nAaron sits on a stoop across the street from Michelle and Donna He\'s \nshaking up \na bottle of soda, then opening the cap to let the bubbles \nout. He\'s got a large brown paper bag with him. Victor the rounds the \ncorner, \nhis eyes are scanning across the buildings on the block.\n\nAARON \nYo Shorty, you wanna buy \nsome M-80s?\n\nVICTOR \nNah.\n\nAARON\nTwenty-four for two \ndollars, son, and ain\'t \ntalkin\' no little pussy \nboxes, I\'m talkin\' big \nones.\n\nVICTOR \nNah.\n\nAARON \nAlright, I\'ll be here, if \nanything.\n\nVictor continues down the block.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor finds Jenette sitting on Amanda\'s stoop. She appears to have \njust come \noutside as she unties a jump rope that is knotted around her \nwaist Victor stands next to her for a moment waiting awkwardly to \nspeak.\n\nJenette is ignoring him.\n\nAaron watches from down the block.\n\nVictor steps towards Jenette. As he turns to face her, she \nis roll her sock down to her ankle and preparing to jump \n\nher rope.\n\nVICTOR \nHey, little girl, you know \na girl named Amanda who \nlives around here? \n\nJENETTE \nNo.\n\nJenette stands sloppily in front of him on the street. She \nsays nothing and begins to jump. Smic-smac, smic-smac, \nsmic-smack.\n\nVICTOR \nYou sure? She\'s got kind \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 15/25\n\nof like brown hair.\n\nJENETTE \nPositive.\n\nVICTOR \nYou sure?\n\nJENETTE \nPositive.\n\nVICTOR \nMy friend told me she \nlived around here.\n\nJENETTE \nYour friend must be \nmisinformed.\n\nVICTOR \nDidn\'t I see you at Pitt \nyesterday?\n\nA pause.\n\nJENETTE \nSo what do you want with \nher anyway?\n\nVICTOR \nI\'m a good friend of hers.\n\nJENETTE \nHow do I know you\'re not \nlying.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, I know what you\'re \nthinking, that I\'m one of \nthose guys that keep \ncoming up to her.\n\nJENETTE \nProbably.\n\n(Under her breath) \nOne of the many.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat?\n\nJENETTE \nNothing.\n\nHector approaches Victor from down the block.\n\nHECTOR \nExcuse me, can I help you?\n\nVictor doesn\'t answer.\n\nHECTOR \nYou looking for somebody?\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'?\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 16/25\n\nHECTOR \nYou here to see somebody?\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nHECTOR \nWho?\n\nVICTOR \nA girl named Amanda.\n\nHECTOR \nWhat she look like?\n\nVICTOR \nShe\'s like this high, dark \nhair, skinny\n\nHECTOR \nYo, that\'s my girl.\n\nVICTOR \nShe didn\'t say she had no \nman.\n\nHECTOR \nI suggest you turn around \nand go back to where you \ncame from.\n\nVictor looks over to Jenette. No response.\n\nHECTOR \nWhat are you waiting for?\n\nA pause.\n\nHECTOR \nYou betta bounce, yo.\n\nHector shoves Victor away from the stoop. Victor steps up to \nHector. Jenette watches them. interested.\n\nHECTOR \nYou betta leave the block, \nyo, or me and my boys, \nwe\'re gonna fuck you up.\n\nVictor looks at Hector then walks away down the block.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor rounds the corner and sits down on the sidewalk.\n\nVICTOR \n(to himself) \n\nFuck man. I\'m gonna get a \nfuckin\' M-80 and shove it \nup his retarded ass.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - MOMENTS LATER\n\nCHRISTOPHER, an energetic ten-year-old, exits the front door of his \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 17/25\n\nbuilding \nholding a bat, sits down on the curb and looks out at the block. As \nthe camera \npans, we see Aaron on the corner talking to Mari. Michelle and Donna \nare walking \ndown the block. Hector is making his way back over to Amanda\'s \nbuilding and \nJenette is jumping rope.\n\nChris rubs his eyes, turns around and looks up at one of \nthe windows in his building.\n\nCHRIS \n(Up to the window) \n\nMa!\n\nNo answer.\n\nCHRIS \nMa!\n\nMom\'s head sticks out the window.\n\nCHRIS \nCross me!\n\nMom waves her hand, signaling to him that it\'s safe to \ncross the street. Chris, picking up a half-deflated \nfootball, runs into the street.\n\nChris makes his way down the block, stomping along in big \nHigh-tops. He spots Aaron a few feet away.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nAaron is sitting on the sidewalk crushing a soda bottle under his \nfoot.\n\nChris approaches and tosses the ball to him.\n\nAaron stands up and tosses the ball back to Chris, then \nlights a cigarette. Chris waits until Aaron is ready and \nthrows again.\n\nAARON \nIt\'s too hot, get outta \nhere.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK- CONTINUOUS \n\nMichelle and Donna are sitting on their stoop.\n\nDONNA \nI want him to change. I \nwant to get to know the \nreal him and I want him to \nget to know the real me.\n\nMichelle looks at Donna. A pause.\n\nDONNA \nIt\'s so frustrating. I ask \nhim if he\'s mad and he \nsays no.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 18/25\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - MOMENTS LATER\n\nVictor is still sitting on the sidewalk around the corner. \n\nChris walks by him.\n\nVICTOR \nYo! You live here?\n\nChris nods.\n\nVICTOR \nYou know Amanda?\n\nChris nods again, smiles and throws the ball at Victor. \nVictor catches it and throws it back. Chris catches it and \nthen starts to run away.\n\nVICTOR \nHey, where you goin\'?\n\nVictor starts to follow him.\n\nVICTOR \nHold up, yo!\n\nEXT. ALLEYWAY - CONTINUOUS \n\nChris slips through a fence to enter the alleyway and Victor enters \nbehind him. \nA "No Trespassing" sign hangs on the gate. Victor looks around a \nlittle as they continue their game of catch.\n\nAs the boys play, the gate creaks and swings open. The boys \nquickly scurry into an out-of-the-way corner.\n\nAaron and Donna enter the alleyway. The boys watch them.\n\nAARON \nAlright, tell me, what\'d \nyou hear?\n\nDONNA \nThere\'s a rumor that you \nwere tryin\' to get \nsomebody to beat me up.\n\nAARON \nWhat chu listening to \nrumors for? I\'m not like \ndat.\n\nDONNA \nIs it true?\n\nAaron puts his bag of fireworks down on the floor.\n\nAARON \nI told you, no. I\'m not \nthat type.\n\nDONNA \nThen I want you to go to \nwhoever\'s sayin\' that and \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 19/25\n\ntell them to stop.\n\nAARON \nAlright. \n\nAaron clears a piece of hair away from Donna\'s face and \nputs it behind her ear. A pause He gently pushes her up against the \nwall.\n\nHe kisses her forehead. The camera follows as Aaron\'s lips \nmake their way to Donna\'s. They kiss. Slowly at first, then \ndeeply.\n\nVictor and Chris watch silently from the corner.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK- MOMENTS LATER\n\nJenette is siding on the ground, drawing with chalk on the \nside walk. Victor approaches her and sits down on the \nstoop.\n\nJENETTE \nAmanda\'s not back yet\n\nVictor runs his fingers through his hair. Jenette details \nher artwork. She focuses intently on her drawing\n\nJENETTE \n(With her eyes lowered) \n\nHow\'s Hector?\n\nVictor doesn\'t respond.\n\nJENETTE \n(to Victor) \n\nSo, do you like her?\n\nJenette stares at the sidewalk.\n\nVICTOR \nNo.\n\nJENETTE \nSo, then whadda ya want?\n\nVictor stands up to leave.\n\nJENETTE \nYou wanna do somethin\' \nwith me?\n\nVICTOR \nNot really.\n\nJENETTE \nHey!\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'?\n\nJenette makes eye contact. Victor makes his way back over to Jenette. \nHe sits \ndown beside her. Jenette\'s eyes focus back on her drawing.\n\nJENETTE \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 20/25\n\nWhere you know Amanda \nfrom?\n\nVICTOR \nJus\' from around the way.\n\nJENETTE \nYou live around here?\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nJENETTE \nYou gotta girLfrLend?\n\nVictor sees Chris kicking his football across the street.\n\nJENETTE \nYou wanna be my boyfriend?\n\nVictor doesn\'t respond. A moment passes.\n\nJENETTE \nHector\'s an asshole, huh?\n\nJenette looks at Victor. She catches him looking across the \nstreet.\n\nJENETTE \n(to Victor) \n\nI know how ta get him back \nif you want.\n\nVICTOR \n(turning back) \n\nNah. \n\nJenette\'s eyes drop down to the ground.\n\nShe quietly begins to sob. She holds her face in her hands. \nFake tears.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat\'s the matter? You \nalright?\n\nAaron rounds the corner of the block with Donna. 3enette \ncatches a glimpse of him and starts sobbing loudly. Aaron \nsees Jenette crying on the ground. He leaves Donna behind \nand starts walking towards Jenette.\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'? I\'ll do whatever you \nwant. \n\nAaron reaches them. Victor looks up at him.\n\nAARON \n(to Victor) \n\nWhat happened!\n\nJenette cries. Aaron grabs Victor\'s arm tightly.\n\nAARON \n(Angrily) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 21/25\n\n\'Wha\' happened?\n\nJenette raises her head.\n\nJENETTE \nHector-\n\nAARON \nWhat? He hit you?\n\nShe sobs and nods "yes."\n\nAaron scoops her up onto his shoulder and grabs Victor by \nthe arm.\n\nAARON \nC\'mon.\n\nJenette\'s chalk is left behind on the sidewalk.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS\n\nAaron marches them all up the block. Hector\'s silhouette \nis visible in the distance as he cranks the pedal of an upside-down \nbicycle.\n\nJenette bounces and sobs over Aaron\'s shoulder as they trot \nup the block. Victor struggles to keep up as his sneakers \nbegin to skid on the cement.\n\nHector sees the three of them approaching.\n\nHe raises his arm and points a finger at Victor.\n\nHECTOR \n(to Victor) \n\nI thought I told you to go \nhome!\n\nAaron speeds up as he approaches Hector.\n\nAARON \nYou hit my sista?\n\nJenette sobs in Aaron\'s arms as he puts her down. \nAaron releases Victor\'s sleeve.\n\nSmack! Aaron hits Hector in the face. Hector falls. Aaron \nturns and finds Victor turning away.\n\nAARON \n(to Victor) \n\nYo! Get over here!\n\nVictor turns back towards the action. Holding Hector \nagainst a wall, he pulls Victor near.\n\nAARON \n(to Hector) \n\nWho told you to touch my \nsister?\n\nHECTOR \nI didn\'t touch shit!\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 22/25\n\nSmack! Hector is pinned against the wall. He tries to free \nhimself of Aaron but he is no match. Chris watches from the \ncurb, amused.\n\nHECTOR \nI didn\'t do anything!\n\nHector struggles. Aaron looks to Victor.\n\nAARON \nDid you see him?\n\nJenette turns her head to Victor. She wipes the tears from \nher eyes.\n\nVictor looks at Hector. A moment passes. Chris plays with \nhis bat as he watches.\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nAaron punches Hector in the stomach. Hector doubles over.\n\nChris throws punches into the air.\n\nDISSOLVE TO\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - LATE AFTERNOON\n\nThe sun has dropped low in the sky. Long shadows rest on \nThe pavement after a steamy afternoon.\n\nAmanda\'s block is quiet and empty.\n\nChris strolls by Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nHe notices Jenette\'s drawing, bends down on his knees and \nreads her sloppy writing.\n\n"For entrance to secret passage press here."\n\nChris presses his finger into the circle she\'s drawn. A \nmoment passes. Nothing happens.\n\nA sound is heard atop Amanda\'s stoop. Chris quickly walks \naway. Amanda appears through her front door.\n\nShe sits down on her stoop.\n\nVictor is sitting on the curb across the street tapping an \nempty bottle against the pavement. He sees Amanda.\n\nVictor approaches Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nVICTOR \nYo.\n\nAMANDA \nHi.\n\nVICTOR \nRemember me, from the \npool?\n\nAMANDA\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 23/25\n\nUm. Yeah! Shorty!\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo watcha doin\'?\n\nVICTOR \nNothin\'.\n\nAMANDA \nWhat are you doin\' here?\n\nVICTOR \nI, umm, came to see you.\n\nAMANDA \nYou know somebody around \nhere?\n\nVICTOR \nNo. \n\n(He sighs) \nWhat you do today?\n\nAMANDA \nOh you know, cleaned the \nhouse, cooked. Took care \nof my little sisters. Sit \ndown. So where\'s Carlos?\n\nVICTOR \nI guess he\'s outside \nsomeplace I don\'t like \ntakin\' him down to certain \nplaces.\n\nVictor sits down.\n\nAMANDA \nWhadja wanna see me about?\n\nVICTOR \nI just wanted to see you.\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo you got a girl?\n\nVICTOR \nOf course.\n\nAMANDA \nSo what\'s her name?\n\nVICTOR \nYou know. I got a lot, \nmore than one.\n\nAMANDA \nA play-ya.\n\nVICTOR \nYou got a boyfriend?\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 24/25\n\nAMANDA \nMe? No. Don\'t want none \neither. Such bastards, man.\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \n(Quickly) \n\nThey play a girl, then you \ncomplain, then they play \ndumb, blah, blah, blah. \nAll that bullshit, \nwhatever I don\'t want \nnone. I\'m gonna stay \nsingle awhile, you know?\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo wadda you do with your \ngirls?\n\nVICTOR\nJust chill.\n\nAMANDA \nThat\'s it?\n\nVICTOR \nNah, we make out and \nstuff.\n\nAmanda doesn\'t believe him.\n\nAMANDA \nSo what you think of me?\n\nVICTOR \nYou look good.\n\nAMANDA \nI look good, that\'s it. So \nwhat else do you do for \nthese girls?\n\nVICTOR \nI buy them flowers.\n\nAMANDA \nHow you treat them?\n\nVICTOR \nGood. I\'m faithful to \nthem.\n\nAmanda gets up and walks away. Victor quickly follows.\n\nEXT. ALLEYWAY - MOMENTS LATER\n\nAmanda walks through the half-open fence and leans flat \nagainst the wall. Victor stands close by, nervously.\n\nHe keeps his distance from her.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 25/25\n\nAMANDA\nSee, I got you, you are so \nscared. I don\'t believe \nthat you kissed no girls. \nThat you got three girls \nand that you faithful and \nthis and that.\n\nVICTOR\nI did.\n\nAMANDA \nWell, you know I\'m \nstandin\' here and you say \nI look good?\n\nVICTOR \nI kissed those girls.\n\nAMANDA \nNo you didn\'t, you ain\'t \nprovin\'it.\n\nVICTOR \nI aint gotta prove nothin\' \nto no girl, \'cause I got \nit like dat.\n\nAMANDA \nOh, \'cause you got it like \ndat?\n\nVictor approaches Amanda. He touches her arm. Amanda \nsmiles.\n\nShe takes Victor\'s hand and places it on her breast. Victor \nmoves forward. Amanda moves his hand over her breasts. She \nwraps her arms around his waist. Victor bends his arms \naround her back.\n\nAmanda hisses him on the lips, slowly. A long, deep kiss. \nAs she kisses him she runs her hand through his hair. She \npulls back. Victor looks around. Chris is at the entrance \nof the alleyway, watching them. He is holding his deflated football.\n\nChris looks at him for a second and walks away.\n\nChris walks down the block, his bat against the pavement.\n\nFADE OUT\n\n\n'),
Document(metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'FIVE_FEET_AND_RISING_by_Peter_Sollett_pdf'}, page_content='\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 1/25\n\nFIVE FEET AND RISING\n\nby\n\nPeter Sollett\n\nFADE IN:\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - DAY \n\nA group of dark-skinned girls wearing cheerleading outfits \nalign themselves in formation on the sidewalk. They begin to \ndance. No music can be heard. The sound of the girls\' bodies \nis our soundtrack. We hear their strained breathing, palms \nand sneaker bottoms pounding while they hum and count softly \nto themselves in an effort to keep the rhythm.\n\nSLO-MO: We explore the bodies of the dancers; their bright \neyes and sweaty brows, their stomping feet and colliding \nhands (dark side and light side). The younger girls perform \nprovocative dance movements, the older girls repeat them.\n\nTheir bodies silhouette in the bright sunlight.\n\nCUT TO: TITLES\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - DAY \n\nAMANDA, a tall 14-year-old exits the front door of her \napartment budding with her headphones in one hand and a \nmagazine in the other. She sits down on her stoop, puts her \nheadphones on and presses "play". We can hear the sound of \nSalsa leaking out of the sides of her headphones. JENETTE, \nten years old with big black hair in rubber-band restraints, sits on \nthe sidewalk below Amanda drawing with a piece of chalk. Jenette \n\n looks over her shoulder and sees Amanda reading her magazine Jenette \nclimbs the stairs and sits down beside her.\n\nThe camera pans to reveal AARON, an 18-year-old boy on the \nother side of the street, unloading some fireworks from the \ntrunk of a car. He\'s filling a paper bag with them, \ncarefully making sure not to reveal what he\'s doing to \nonlookers.\n\nAt the ear end of the block, DONNA, 14, and MICHELLE, 12, \nsit and watch Aaron at work.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 2/25\n\nMICHELLE \nHow does he look up close?\n\nDONNA \n(Amorously) \n\nUmm, he got dark brownish \neyes, he got a nice nose I \nlove his nose. I love his \nskin. I love his lips, he \ngot a great smile and he \ngot-\n\nMICHELLE \nA bad attitude.\n\nDONNA \nYeah, he got a bad \nattitude.\n\nMICHELLE \nYou said before, that he \ngot boxes?\n\nSLO-MO: The camera is very close to Aaron. Details of his \nbody in a shallow depth of field.\n\nDONNA \nYeah, he got boxes in his \nstomach. He\'s taller than \nme.\n\nMICHELLE \nHow old is he?\n\nDONNA \nI think he\'s 18 or 17.\n\nMICHELLE \nYou gonna talk to him?\n\nDONNA \nUm, yeah I think so.\n\nBack on Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nJENETTE \nYou still like him.\n\nAMANDA \n(With a sigh of negative attitude) \n\nNo.\n\nHECTOR, a mature-looking 13-year old is crossing the \nstreet. He enters frame with Amanda and Jenette. \n\nHECTOR \nYo, wuzzup. \n\nAmanda ignores him. \n\nJENETTE \nHi Hector\n\nHECTOR \n(To Amanda) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 3/25\n\nOh, you\'re not gonna say \nhello.\n\nAMANDA\'S POV: Donna approaches Aaron as he locks up the \ntrunk of the car. She hesitantly calls over to him. He \nacknowledges her with a lift of the chin. Making sure he \nkeeps his distance from her, he looks around to see if \nanyone is watching him. He tosses his head for her to \nfollow. He begins to walk away down the block. She follows.\n\nHector is looking at Amanda. He appears to have run out of \nthings to say. Amanda removes her headphones. Her music \nbecomes clearer, more audible.\n\nHECTOR \nYo, you gonna keep me \nhangin\' like dat?\n\nAMANDA \nHector, Yo try to rap to me every day, why don\'t you \ntake your three-quarters retarded ass outta here?\n\nHECTOR \nYo, you betta give me my \nrespects or I\'ll tell your \nlittle girl ova here what \nI heard about you and my \nboy.\n\nAmanda puts her headphones back on.\n\nHECTOR looks like he got a new girl anyway.\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - AFTERNOON \n\nVICTOR, a skinny 12-year-old with sloppy hair, is asleep in \nthe sun on his fire escape. There is sweat beaded up on his \nbody. His shirt is rolled up behind his head like a pillow. \nHis breath is heavy, his chest rises and falls. The camera \ntilts to reveal CARLOS, ten, rounding the corner on the \nstreet below. The camera tracks backwards as Carlos \napproaches. He is talking to himself.\n\nCARLOS \n(To himself) \n\nWhatcha gonna do when ya \nbitch is untrue?\n\nCarlos lifts his head up to look at the fire escapes.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Victor!\n\nThe camera pans and tilts up to the fire escapes. The \nbuildings float by. He arrives in front of Victor\'s \nbuilding and cups his hand around his mouth.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Victor!\n\nOn the fire escape, Victor\'s eyes pop open and the sun \nshines into them.\n\nVICTOR \n(Dazed) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 4/25\n\nWhat, wuzzup?\n\nVictor sits up and looks over the side of the fire escape.\n\nCARL0S \nCome down!\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t!\n\nCARLOS \nWhy?\n\nVICTOR \nI got punished, man.\n\nCARLOS \nFa what?\n\nVICTOR \nI won\'t let my motha cut \nmy hair.\n\nCARLOS \nWha\'?\n\nVICTOR \nShe fucks it all up!\n\nCARLOS \nForget it! C\'mon Let\'s go \nto the pool.\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t man, I\'m punished!\n\nCARL0S \nWho gives!\n\nVICTOR \nI can\'t, I\'m gonna get \npunished more!\n\nCARLOS \nTrust me, I always get \ninto trouble, c\'mon!\n\nVictor sits down on the fire escape. Carlos pauses for a \nminute and turns his back on Victor.\n\nCARL0S \nC\'mon! The girls are \nwaiting for you!\n\nVictor hops back up.\n\nVICTOR \n(interested) \n\nThey are?\n\nCARLOS \nYeah! Tell me which one you would like. To be doin\' \nnothin on a fire escape or beat the pool with a bunch of \ngirls? Be straight up!\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 5/25\n\nVICTOR \nI\'ll be right down.\n\nVictor climbs down the fire escape and hops down to the \nstreet. he immediately grabs Carlos and starts pushing him \ndown the block to avoid being seen from above.\n\nEXT. THE CORNER OF 8TH STREET AND AVENUE D - CONTINUOUS \n\nThe boys safely round the corner onto Avenue D. Victor \nperks up and starts nudging Carlos.\n\nVICTOR \nSo what girls are over \nthere?\n\nCARLOS \nNatasha, Maria, Tina-\n\nVICTOR \nThese are the pretty girls \nyou told me to come down \nfor?\n\nVictor sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.\n\nCARLOS \nWhat\'s the difference, you \nnever do anything anyway\n\nVictor makes a disagreeing gesture. Carlos drags Victor \nDowntown.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat are you going that \nway for?\n\nCARLOS \nI\'m not goin\' to 10th \nStreet, people piss and \nshit in that pool,\n\nVICTOR \nWhere you goin\'?\n\nCARLOS \nPitt.\n\nVICTOR \nOh man, what we gotta \nleave ar\' own neighborhood \nfor?\n\nCARLOS \nC\'mon.\n\nVICTOR \nMan, if I go down you\'re \ngoin\' down with me.\n\nEXT. AVENUE D - CONTINUOUS \n\nMONTAGE: Victor and Carlos hang on each other as they walk down \n Avenue D towards the Pitt Street Pool. They pass by Victor brother, \n giving him an impromptu smack and then bang on a store window to wave \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 6/25\n\nhello to a friend.\n\nFrom Victor\'s POV we work our way through a crowd of people \nan cross 3rd Street. Victor looks back at the crowd with a \nwatchful eye. The camera tracks along in the street as the \nboys walk along the sidewalk. Victor looks up at a street \nsign. It reads, "Houston St." As the boys make their way \nacross the wide intersection, the heat is slightly visible \nas car exhaust fills the gridlocked lanes. Victor and \nCarlos walk calmly, with space between them, making their \nway towards the camera in a shallow depth of field as we \nfollow focus on them.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor and Carlos stand on line outside the pool gates. Police \nexamine the boys as they slowly inch their way into the park.\n\nFrom Victor\'s POV we see the expanse of the pool as he \nenters the park. We watch as he surveys the area.\n\nFrom a high angle we see Carlos nudge Victor to make his \nway onto the pool deck. They enter the crowd, proceeding \ncarefully, making sure not to bump anyone.\n\nAs they continue to walk, Victor\'s POV reveals the bodies \nof older boys and girls, rough water and mischievous kids.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nAmanda is sitting poolside with Jenette.\n\nAMANDA \nAnd that girl, over there? \nHoochie.\n\nJenette looks out across the pool trying to see who Amanda \nis talking about.\n\nAMANDA \nAnd him. Stay away from \nhim, he\'s only interested \nin that.\n\nAmanda points between Jenette\'s legs.\n\nAMANDA \nThat right there.\n\nCarlos steps in front of them, Amanda smacks his leg.\n\nCARLOS \nYo Amanda, wassup?\n\nThey kiss on the cheek.\n\nCARLOS \n(To Victor) \n\nAmanda is Eddie\'s cousin.\n\nVICTOR \nEddie from Compost?\n\nCARLOS \nNo, Baruch.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 7/25\n\nA girl swimming in the pool calls over to Carlos.\n\nGIRL 1 \nCarlos! Carlos, get your \nskinny ass over here!\n\nCARLOS \n(To Victor) \n\nStay right here, I\'ll be \nright back.\n\nCarlos walks off leaving Victor standing next to Amanda and \nJenette. Victor looks uncomfortable.\n\nAMANDA \nWho are you?\n\nVICTOR \nI\'m wit\' Carlos.\n\nAmanda points out across the pool.\n\nAMANDA \n(To Jenette) \n\nHim right there, That\'s \nwho I\'m talkin\' about. \n\n(to Victor) \nExcuse me, can you move, I \ncan\'t see.\n\nAmanda spots Aaron and Donna in the distance.\n\nAMANDA \nDo you have a name?\n\nVICTOR \nVictor.\n\nAMANDA \nWhat?\n\nVICTOR \nVictor.\n\nAmanda turns to Jenette and continues talking to her.\n\nVICTOR \nUmm, I\'m gonna go find \nCarlos.\n\nAs Victor turns to walk, the camera pans to follow him, \nrevealing Hector who is approaching Amanda. The camera then \npans back to Amanda. She sighs and turns her ahead away \nfrom him.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nIn the playground area at the Pitt Street Pool, Aaron is doing a\' \nimpression of Al Pacino. Darrell and Boy 1 look on.\n\nAARON \n(to Boy 1) \n\nYou wanna meet my little \nfriend? \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 8/25\n\nBoy 1 is laughing at Aaron. Donna and Michelle stand nearby \nwatching.\n\nAARON \nDon\'t fuck wit\' me! Don\'t \nfuck wit\' me.\n\n(pointing his finger)\nMy lawyer\'s so good he\'ll \nhave you workin in Alaska, \nso dress warn.\n\nDONNA \nAaron, how you doin\'?\n\nAARON \nFine.\n\nDONNA \nLook at me.\n\nAARON \nWhat?\n\nDONNA \nWhy you have an attitude \nfor?\n\nAARON \nNot now, I\'m busy\n\nDONNA \nGod, I just wanna speak to \nyou. I just wanna speak \nto you the way I feel \nabout you.\n\nAARON \nHurry up, you\'re wastin\' \nmy time, what the fuck.\n\nAaron turns back to his friends.\n\nDONNA \nPlease don\'t scream at me. \nI like you, but I don\'t \nlike the way your attitude \nis.\n\nAARON \nSo get the fuck outta \nhere.\n\nDarrell and Boy 1 approve. They wait for Donna\'s reply.\n\nDONNA \nI wanna go out with you, I \nwant to be part of your \nlife. I want you to treat \nme the way a girlfriend \nshould be treated.\n\nAARON \nThen don\'t go out with me.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 9/25\n\nDONNA \nFor once in your life have \nsome respect for me, \ndon\'t even curse at me or \nnothin\'.\n\nAARON \n(to Darrell) \n\nNow she\'s tellin\' me what \nthe fuck to do.\n\nDONNA \nGod, you drive me crazy. I \njust want you to know how \nI feel and you don\'t \nunderstand.\n\nAARON \nJust get the fuck outta \nhere.\n\nDonna stares at Aaron as he turns back to his friends. \nMichelle walks up to Donna and gently leads her away.\n\nAARON \nThat girl be trippin\'. \n\n(Back into his Pacino impression) \nOne time I let her kiss my \nrings and forever \nshe tries to repay me!\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - LATER \n\nVictor and Carlos are playing, trying to force each others\' heads \nunderwater. \nCarlos squirts water through his lips.\n\nVICTOR \nI gotta go take a piss.\n\nCARLOS \nIf we were at 10th Street \nPool you woulda done it \nright in the water, right?\n\nThe camera pans as Victor climbs out of the pool and onto a \nlong line. As he stands and waits, Amanda can be seen in \nthe background arguing with Hector.\n\nIn the water, Carlos makes a face at Victor. Victor makes \none back.\n\nVICTOR \n(Under his breath to Carlos) \n\nI\'m gonna beat you.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nHector and Amanda have been arguing. Jenette is sitting on the ground \nbeneath \nthem.\n\nHECTOR \nI know you likes me.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 10/25\n\nAMANDA \nI eave me alone!\n\nHECTOR \nWhy don\'t you share the \nwealth a little bit?\n\nHector grabs her wrist.\n\nAMANDA \nExcuse me! I gotta go to \nthe ladies\' room!\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - MOMENTS LATER \n\nAmanda gets on line behind Victor as he continues to antagonize \nCarlos in the \ndistance. Amanda recognizes Victor from behind, peeking \nover his shoulder at the side of his face.\n\nAMANDA \nShorty!\n\nVictor turns around to Amanda.\n\nAMANDA \nWussup?\n\nVICTOR \nWussup.\n\nHe turns back around.\n\nAMANDA \nYo shorty!\n\nVictor turns back around.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat?\n\nAmanda hears something over her shoulder and spins her head \naround.\n\nAMANDA \n(to Hector) \n\nLeave me alone! \n(To Victor) \n\nYo, I know another \nbathroom over there, c\'mon \nthis line\'s too long.\n\nAmanda takes Victor by the hand and walks towards Hector. \nShe bumps into him with Victor.\n\nAMANDA \nExcuse us.\n\nAmanda gives Hector a snotty grin.\n\nShe drags Victor away.\n\nEXT. PITT STREET POOL - CONTINUOUS \n\nIn a small corner, out of sight to the rest of the kids at the pool. \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 11/25\n\nAmanda \ncomplains to Victor. Victor looks confused.\n\nAMANDA \nThis fucking guy be \nfollowin\' me around, and \ntouchin\' me. Asshole!\n\nShe sighs and pulls on the bathroom door. It\'s locked. She \ngives it another try. It won\'t budge.\n\nAMANDA \nLook, just do me a favor. \nStand right here, okay?\n\nAmanda takes Victor\'s hand for balance and squats down, \npulling her bathing suit bottoms to the side. She urinates. \nVictor watches her, trying to play it cool. The camera \ntilts up from Amanda\'s face peeking up at Victor, to their \nhands straining for balance, to Victor\'s wandering eyes.\n\nEXT. 8TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUES C AND D - DAY \n\nClose-up of ERICA looking into the camera.\n\nERICA \nWe\'re "Fantasy" and This \nis Shai, Diamond-\n\nFRANCESCA \nAnd I\'m Melody.\n\nWe see the three girls standing in line on the sidewalk.\n\nERICA \nAnd we\'re gonna sing a \nsong called \'Tell me \nWhat.\' It was written by \nmyself, Diamond and Shai \nand the vocals were \narranged by us two.\n\nFrancesca rolls her eyes.\n\nERICA \nAlso, it was written May \n24th 1998 at 10:20 p.m. \nCheck it out.\n\nThe girls begin to sing.\n\nCarlos stands in front of the singers mocking them. The \ncamera pans to see Victor approaching Carlos.\n\nVICTOR \nWussup?\n\nCARL0S \nWussup, Victor.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, can I talk to you for \na minute?\n\nCarlos nods his head. Victor leans into Carlos, resting his \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 12/25\n\narm on Carlos\' shoulder.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, remember from the \npool, that girl?\n\nCARLOS \nWhich one?\n\nVICTOR \nYou know, Eddie\'s cousin.\n\nCARL0S \nEddie from Compost?\n\nVICTOR \nEddie from Baruch, the one \nwho was sittin\' wit\' dat \nlittle girl;\n\nCARLOS \nThe one with the phat ass?\n\nVICTOR \nNo, c\'mon, stop playin\'. \nThe girl that you kissed \nwhen we got there. Where s\nhe live at?\n\nCARL0S \nWhy don\'t you ask Eddie?\n\nVICTOR \nYo, Carlos-I\'m gonna punch \nyou.\n\nCARLOS \n(Mockingly) \n\nI\'m gonna punch you. What \nyou want with her anyway? \nYou in love with her?\n\nVICTOR \nShe lives near Eddie?\n\nCARLOS \nI think she lives down by \nPitt.\n\nVICTOR \nNear Natasha\'s? Or over by \nBoy\'s Club?\n\nCARLOS \nI think by Twenty-two.\n\nVICTOR \nFor real?\n\nCARLOS \nWhat you want with her \nanyway\'\n\nVictor starts walking off down the block.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 13/25\n\nCARLOS \nYo! What you goin\' for\n\nVICTOR\n\'Cause you know what, \nyou\'re not supposed to \nknow but yesterday she \nlent me her pills for her \nMoms and if I don\'t give \n\'em to her she\'s gonna \ndie. You want her to die?\n\nCarlos shrugs Victor off as he walks away down the block.\n\nA moment passes.\n\nCARLOS \n(to himself)\n\nWhat do you do when your \nbitch is untrue? \nYou cut the hooker off and \nfind someone new. I need \nanother bitch another \nbitch in my life.\n\nEXT. LOWER EAST SIDE - CONTINUOUS \n\nMONTAGE: Victor\'s trip through the streets in search of Amanda\'s \nblock.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - LATER \n\nDonna and Michelle are standing in front of their building.\n\nMICHELLE \nOkay, merengue, you do \nlike this-\n\nMichelle places one hand on her side, the other in the air \nand begins to step.\n\nDONNA \nLike this?\n\nMICHELLE \nYeah, that\'s right, you \ngot it girl.\n\nMichelle grabs Donna, they embrace and dance.\n\nMICHELLE \nNow salsa, you know how to \ndance salsa?\n\nDONNA \nYeah.\n\nMICHELLE \nOkay, then dance. Show.\n\nDonna dances. Michelle looks over her shoulder. Aaron is \ndrinking a bottle of soda across the street.\n\nMICHELLE \nI don\'t think he\'s \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 14/25\n\nwatching.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nAaron sits on a stoop across the street from Michelle and Donna He\'s \nshaking up \na bottle of soda, then opening the cap to let the bubbles \nout. He\'s got a large brown paper bag with him. Victor the rounds the \ncorner, \nhis eyes are scanning across the buildings on the block.\n\nAARON \nYo Shorty, you wanna buy \nsome M-80s?\n\nVICTOR \nNah.\n\nAARON\nTwenty-four for two \ndollars, son, and ain\'t \ntalkin\' no little pussy \nboxes, I\'m talkin\' big \nones.\n\nVICTOR \nNah.\n\nAARON \nAlright, I\'ll be here, if \nanything.\n\nVictor continues down the block.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor finds Jenette sitting on Amanda\'s stoop. She appears to have \njust come \noutside as she unties a jump rope that is knotted around her \nwaist Victor stands next to her for a moment waiting awkwardly to \nspeak.\n\nJenette is ignoring him.\n\nAaron watches from down the block.\n\nVictor steps towards Jenette. As he turns to face her, she \nis roll her sock down to her ankle and preparing to jump \n\nher rope.\n\nVICTOR \nHey, little girl, you know \na girl named Amanda who \nlives around here? \n\nJENETTE \nNo.\n\nJenette stands sloppily in front of him on the street. She \nsays nothing and begins to jump. Smic-smac, smic-smac, \nsmic-smack.\n\nVICTOR \nYou sure? She\'s got kind \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 15/25\n\nof like brown hair.\n\nJENETTE \nPositive.\n\nVICTOR \nYou sure?\n\nJENETTE \nPositive.\n\nVICTOR \nMy friend told me she \nlived around here.\n\nJENETTE \nYour friend must be \nmisinformed.\n\nVICTOR \nDidn\'t I see you at Pitt \nyesterday?\n\nA pause.\n\nJENETTE \nSo what do you want with \nher anyway?\n\nVICTOR \nI\'m a good friend of hers.\n\nJENETTE \nHow do I know you\'re not \nlying.\n\nVICTOR \nYo, I know what you\'re \nthinking, that I\'m one of \nthose guys that keep \ncoming up to her.\n\nJENETTE \nProbably.\n\n(Under her breath) \nOne of the many.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat?\n\nJENETTE \nNothing.\n\nHector approaches Victor from down the block.\n\nHECTOR \nExcuse me, can I help you?\n\nVictor doesn\'t answer.\n\nHECTOR \nYou looking for somebody?\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'?\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 16/25\n\nHECTOR \nYou here to see somebody?\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nHECTOR \nWho?\n\nVICTOR \nA girl named Amanda.\n\nHECTOR \nWhat she look like?\n\nVICTOR \nShe\'s like this high, dark \nhair, skinny\n\nHECTOR \nYo, that\'s my girl.\n\nVICTOR \nShe didn\'t say she had no \nman.\n\nHECTOR \nI suggest you turn around \nand go back to where you \ncame from.\n\nVictor looks over to Jenette. No response.\n\nHECTOR \nWhat are you waiting for?\n\nA pause.\n\nHECTOR \nYou betta bounce, yo.\n\nHector shoves Victor away from the stoop. Victor steps up to \nHector. Jenette watches them. interested.\n\nHECTOR \nYou betta leave the block, \nyo, or me and my boys, \nwe\'re gonna fuck you up.\n\nVictor looks at Hector then walks away down the block.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nVictor rounds the corner and sits down on the sidewalk.\n\nVICTOR \n(to himself) \n\nFuck man. I\'m gonna get a \nfuckin\' M-80 and shove it \nup his retarded ass.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - MOMENTS LATER\n\nCHRISTOPHER, an energetic ten-year-old, exits the front door of his \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 17/25\n\nbuilding \nholding a bat, sits down on the curb and looks out at the block. As \nthe camera \npans, we see Aaron on the corner talking to Mari. Michelle and Donna \nare walking \ndown the block. Hector is making his way back over to Amanda\'s \nbuilding and \nJenette is jumping rope.\n\nChris rubs his eyes, turns around and looks up at one of \nthe windows in his building.\n\nCHRIS \n(Up to the window) \n\nMa!\n\nNo answer.\n\nCHRIS \nMa!\n\nMom\'s head sticks out the window.\n\nCHRIS \nCross me!\n\nMom waves her hand, signaling to him that it\'s safe to \ncross the street. Chris, picking up a half-deflated \nfootball, runs into the street.\n\nChris makes his way down the block, stomping along in big \nHigh-tops. He spots Aaron a few feet away.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS \n\nAaron is sitting on the sidewalk crushing a soda bottle under his \nfoot.\n\nChris approaches and tosses the ball to him.\n\nAaron stands up and tosses the ball back to Chris, then \nlights a cigarette. Chris waits until Aaron is ready and \nthrows again.\n\nAARON \nIt\'s too hot, get outta \nhere.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK- CONTINUOUS \n\nMichelle and Donna are sitting on their stoop.\n\nDONNA \nI want him to change. I \nwant to get to know the \nreal him and I want him to \nget to know the real me.\n\nMichelle looks at Donna. A pause.\n\nDONNA \nIt\'s so frustrating. I ask \nhim if he\'s mad and he \nsays no.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 18/25\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - MOMENTS LATER\n\nVictor is still sitting on the sidewalk around the corner. \n\nChris walks by him.\n\nVICTOR \nYo! You live here?\n\nChris nods.\n\nVICTOR \nYou know Amanda?\n\nChris nods again, smiles and throws the ball at Victor. \nVictor catches it and throws it back. Chris catches it and \nthen starts to run away.\n\nVICTOR \nHey, where you goin\'?\n\nVictor starts to follow him.\n\nVICTOR \nHold up, yo!\n\nEXT. ALLEYWAY - CONTINUOUS \n\nChris slips through a fence to enter the alleyway and Victor enters \nbehind him. \nA "No Trespassing" sign hangs on the gate. Victor looks around a \nlittle as they continue their game of catch.\n\nAs the boys play, the gate creaks and swings open. The boys \nquickly scurry into an out-of-the-way corner.\n\nAaron and Donna enter the alleyway. The boys watch them.\n\nAARON \nAlright, tell me, what\'d \nyou hear?\n\nDONNA \nThere\'s a rumor that you \nwere tryin\' to get \nsomebody to beat me up.\n\nAARON \nWhat chu listening to \nrumors for? I\'m not like \ndat.\n\nDONNA \nIs it true?\n\nAaron puts his bag of fireworks down on the floor.\n\nAARON \nI told you, no. I\'m not \nthat type.\n\nDONNA \nThen I want you to go to \nwhoever\'s sayin\' that and \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 19/25\n\ntell them to stop.\n\nAARON \nAlright. \n\nAaron clears a piece of hair away from Donna\'s face and \nputs it behind her ear. A pause He gently pushes her up against the \nwall.\n\nHe kisses her forehead. The camera follows as Aaron\'s lips \nmake their way to Donna\'s. They kiss. Slowly at first, then \ndeeply.\n\nVictor and Chris watch silently from the corner.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK- MOMENTS LATER\n\nJenette is siding on the ground, drawing with chalk on the \nside walk. Victor approaches her and sits down on the \nstoop.\n\nJENETTE \nAmanda\'s not back yet\n\nVictor runs his fingers through his hair. Jenette details \nher artwork. She focuses intently on her drawing\n\nJENETTE \n(With her eyes lowered) \n\nHow\'s Hector?\n\nVictor doesn\'t respond.\n\nJENETTE \n(to Victor) \n\nSo, do you like her?\n\nJenette stares at the sidewalk.\n\nVICTOR \nNo.\n\nJENETTE \nSo, then whadda ya want?\n\nVictor stands up to leave.\n\nJENETTE \nYou wanna do somethin\' \nwith me?\n\nVICTOR \nNot really.\n\nJENETTE \nHey!\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'?\n\nJenette makes eye contact. Victor makes his way back over to Jenette. \nHe sits \ndown beside her. Jenette\'s eyes focus back on her drawing.\n\nJENETTE \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 20/25\n\nWhere you know Amanda \nfrom?\n\nVICTOR \nJus\' from around the way.\n\nJENETTE \nYou live around here?\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nJENETTE \nYou gotta girLfrLend?\n\nVictor sees Chris kicking his football across the street.\n\nJENETTE \nYou wanna be my boyfriend?\n\nVictor doesn\'t respond. A moment passes.\n\nJENETTE \nHector\'s an asshole, huh?\n\nJenette looks at Victor. She catches him looking across the \nstreet.\n\nJENETTE \n(to Victor) \n\nI know how ta get him back \nif you want.\n\nVICTOR \n(turning back) \n\nNah. \n\nJenette\'s eyes drop down to the ground.\n\nShe quietly begins to sob. She holds her face in her hands. \nFake tears.\n\nVICTOR \nWhat\'s the matter? You \nalright?\n\nAaron rounds the corner of the block with Donna. 3enette \ncatches a glimpse of him and starts sobbing loudly. Aaron \nsees Jenette crying on the ground. He leaves Donna behind \nand starts walking towards Jenette.\n\nVICTOR \nWha\'? I\'ll do whatever you \nwant. \n\nAaron reaches them. Victor looks up at him.\n\nAARON \n(to Victor) \n\nWhat happened!\n\nJenette cries. Aaron grabs Victor\'s arm tightly.\n\nAARON \n(Angrily) \n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 21/25\n\n\'Wha\' happened?\n\nJenette raises her head.\n\nJENETTE \nHector-\n\nAARON \nWhat? He hit you?\n\nShe sobs and nods "yes."\n\nAaron scoops her up onto his shoulder and grabs Victor by \nthe arm.\n\nAARON \nC\'mon.\n\nJenette\'s chalk is left behind on the sidewalk.\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - CONTINUOUS\n\nAaron marches them all up the block. Hector\'s silhouette \nis visible in the distance as he cranks the pedal of an upside-down \nbicycle.\n\nJenette bounces and sobs over Aaron\'s shoulder as they trot \nup the block. Victor struggles to keep up as his sneakers \nbegin to skid on the cement.\n\nHector sees the three of them approaching.\n\nHe raises his arm and points a finger at Victor.\n\nHECTOR \n(to Victor) \n\nI thought I told you to go \nhome!\n\nAaron speeds up as he approaches Hector.\n\nAARON \nYou hit my sista?\n\nJenette sobs in Aaron\'s arms as he puts her down. \nAaron releases Victor\'s sleeve.\n\nSmack! Aaron hits Hector in the face. Hector falls. Aaron \nturns and finds Victor turning away.\n\nAARON \n(to Victor) \n\nYo! Get over here!\n\nVictor turns back towards the action. Holding Hector \nagainst a wall, he pulls Victor near.\n\nAARON \n(to Hector) \n\nWho told you to touch my \nsister?\n\nHECTOR \nI didn\'t touch shit!\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 22/25\n\nSmack! Hector is pinned against the wall. He tries to free \nhimself of Aaron but he is no match. Chris watches from the \ncurb, amused.\n\nHECTOR \nI didn\'t do anything!\n\nHector struggles. Aaron looks to Victor.\n\nAARON \nDid you see him?\n\nJenette turns her head to Victor. She wipes the tears from \nher eyes.\n\nVictor looks at Hector. A moment passes. Chris plays with \nhis bat as he watches.\n\nVICTOR \nYeah.\n\nAaron punches Hector in the stomach. Hector doubles over.\n\nChris throws punches into the air.\n\nDISSOLVE TO\n\nEXT. AMANDA\'S BLOCK - LATE AFTERNOON\n\nThe sun has dropped low in the sky. Long shadows rest on \nThe pavement after a steamy afternoon.\n\nAmanda\'s block is quiet and empty.\n\nChris strolls by Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nHe notices Jenette\'s drawing, bends down on his knees and \nreads her sloppy writing.\n\n"For entrance to secret passage press here."\n\nChris presses his finger into the circle she\'s drawn. A \nmoment passes. Nothing happens.\n\nA sound is heard atop Amanda\'s stoop. Chris quickly walks \naway. Amanda appears through her front door.\n\nShe sits down on her stoop.\n\nVictor is sitting on the curb across the street tapping an \nempty bottle against the pavement. He sees Amanda.\n\nVictor approaches Amanda\'s stoop.\n\nVICTOR \nYo.\n\nAMANDA \nHi.\n\nVICTOR \nRemember me, from the \npool?\n\nAMANDA\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 23/25\n\nUm. Yeah! Shorty!\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo watcha doin\'?\n\nVICTOR \nNothin\'.\n\nAMANDA \nWhat are you doin\' here?\n\nVICTOR \nI, umm, came to see you.\n\nAMANDA \nYou know somebody around \nhere?\n\nVICTOR \nNo. \n\n(He sighs) \nWhat you do today?\n\nAMANDA \nOh you know, cleaned the \nhouse, cooked. Took care \nof my little sisters. Sit \ndown. So where\'s Carlos?\n\nVICTOR \nI guess he\'s outside \nsomeplace I don\'t like \ntakin\' him down to certain \nplaces.\n\nVictor sits down.\n\nAMANDA \nWhadja wanna see me about?\n\nVICTOR \nI just wanted to see you.\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo you got a girl?\n\nVICTOR \nOf course.\n\nAMANDA \nSo what\'s her name?\n\nVICTOR \nYou know. I got a lot, \nmore than one.\n\nAMANDA \nA play-ya.\n\nVICTOR \nYou got a boyfriend?\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 24/25\n\nAMANDA \nMe? No. Don\'t want none \neither. Such bastards, man.\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \n(Quickly) \n\nThey play a girl, then you \ncomplain, then they play \ndumb, blah, blah, blah. \nAll that bullshit, \nwhatever I don\'t want \nnone. I\'m gonna stay \nsingle awhile, you know?\n\nA pause.\n\nAMANDA \nSo wadda you do with your \ngirls?\n\nVICTOR\nJust chill.\n\nAMANDA \nThat\'s it?\n\nVICTOR \nNah, we make out and \nstuff.\n\nAmanda doesn\'t believe him.\n\nAMANDA \nSo what you think of me?\n\nVICTOR \nYou look good.\n\nAMANDA \nI look good, that\'s it. So \nwhat else do you do for \nthese girls?\n\nVICTOR \nI buy them flowers.\n\nAMANDA \nHow you treat them?\n\nVICTOR \nGood. I\'m faithful to \nthem.\n\nAmanda gets up and walks away. Victor quickly follows.\n\nEXT. ALLEYWAY - MOMENTS LATER\n\nAmanda walks through the half-open fence and leans flat \nagainst the wall. Victor stands close by, nervously.\n\nHe keeps his distance from her.\n\n\n\n3/20/23, 5:31 PM FIVE FEET AND RISING by Peter Sollett\n\ 25/25\n\nAMANDA\nSee, I got you, you are so \nscared. I don\'t believe \nthat you kissed no girls. \nThat you got three girls \nand that you faithful and \nthis and that.\n\nVICTOR\nI did.\n\nAMANDA \nWell, you know I\'m \nstandin\' here and you say \nI look good?\n\nVICTOR \nI kissed those girls.\n\nAMANDA \nNo you didn\'t, you ain\'t \nprovin\'it.\n\nVICTOR \nI aint gotta prove nothin\' \nto no girl, \'cause I got \nit like dat.\n\nAMANDA \nOh, \'cause you got it like \ndat?\n\nVictor approaches Amanda. He touches her arm. Amanda \nsmiles.\n\nShe takes Victor\'s hand and places it on her breast. Victor \nmoves forward. Amanda moves his hand over her breasts. She \nwraps her arms around his waist. Victor bends his arms \naround her back.\n\nAmanda hisses him on the lips, slowly. A long, deep kiss. \nAs she kisses him she runs her hand through his hair. She \npulls back. Victor looks around. Chris is at the entrance \nof the alleyway, watching them. He is holding his deflated football.\n\nChris looks at him for a second and walks away.\n\nChris walks down the block, his bat against the pavement.\n\nFADE OUT\n\n\n')]

Use within a chainโ€‹

Like other retrievers, BoxRetriever can be incorporated into LLM applications via chains.

We will need a LLM or chat model:

pip install -qU langchain-openai
import getpass
import os

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass()

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough

retriever = BoxRetriever(box_developer_token=box_developer_token, character_limit=10000)

context = (
"You are an actor reading scripts to learn about your role in an upcoming movie."
question = "describe the character Victor"

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"""Answer the question based only on the context provided.

Context: {context}

Question: {question}"""

def format_docs(docs):
return "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in docs)

chain = (
{"context": retriever | format_docs, "question": RunnablePassthrough()}
| prompt
| llm
| StrOutputParser()
'Victor is a skinny 12-year-old with sloppy hair who is seen sleeping on his fire escape in the sun. He is hesitant to go to the pool with his friend Carlos because he is afraid of getting in trouble for not letting his mother cut his hair. Ultimately, he decides to go to the pool with Carlos.'

API referenceโ€‹

For detailed documentation of all BoxRetriever features and configurations head to the API reference.


If you have questions, you can check out our developer documentation or reach out to use in our developer community.

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